Sunday, October 1, 2023

I can use Technology Classroom

 Blog Post #3 Prompt

Examine a piece of technology hardware's potential pedagogical functions. Categorize the different ways one of the technology-enabled learning models introduced in this module can be used in teaching and learning for K-12 environments. Finally, include one or two links to resources that would help a classroom teacher or school librarian use this resource.

A few years ago, I used a SmartBoard in my classroom. Then one summer,

I came back to work in the classroom and the SmartBoard was GONE!! I was

hurt because I knew exactly how to use it, all of my lessons were tailored to

using and interacting with the SmartBoard. I was a Pro at fixing problems,

creating information on it, etc. I mean the SmartBoard was my jam. But that

summer it was replaced with a Promethean Board. What was this sleek, monstrosity

thing I was looking at? How do you use it? How do I even turn the thing own? I walked

into that classroom, knowing that this year was going to be terrible. 3 years later,

I love it! Who would’ve known? I sure didn’t.

Image of what a SmartBoard looks like.
Image of a teacher using the white board feature
 of a Promethean Board in the classroom

The Promethean Board is like a giant tablets. It is an interactive display that provides a

tablet-like experiences that allows teachers and students to collaborate and work

together (Downstate Health Sciences University). The Promethean Board is an interactive white board that allows the teacher to use it as a tablet/computer and teachers can also use it to show what's on their computer screen. The Promethean Board has the internet already downloaded, so teachers are able to display lessons, connect to iPads and chromebooks, and they are able to write on the screens with a stylus or their fingers and use the boards as whiteboards. Below is a video explaining how to use the Promethean Board and its many features.

YouTube video explain how to use a Promethean Board 
and its useful features


Graphic of the 5x5 matrix of the 5  learning environments and the 5 levels of integration

TIM or the Technology Integration Matrix helps with using technology to enhance learning.

There are five level of technology integration that the Promethean Board could be used for.

There are also five meaningful learning enviroments in which to use technology. In the classroom

teachers can and will use each level of the TIM.

1. Entry Level-the teache uses the technology to deliver instruction (Teacher instructs the student & shows images or videos)

2.  Adoption Level- the teacher decides how and when to use the tool. (The teacher teaches students how ton use the Promethean Board

3. Adaptaion Level- Students come to the board to solve a problem)

4. Infusion Level- different tools are integrated. (Students are able to use the app attached to the Promethean Board programs to create/answer questions. Students are able to send responses back to teacher once received on their devices.)

5. Transformational Level- students use tool to achieve specific learning outcomes. (Students are able to use the Promethean Board effectivly to present information to the class. 

 Teachers can go to this website to learn how to use the TIM Matrix for their classroom and to see examples. 

Graphic of the website the TIM to help teacher with planning lessons


Downstate Health Sciences University. (2023) Promethean smart boards.,%2C%20allowing%20teacher%2Fstudent%20collaboration.

University of South Florida. (n.d.). The technology integration matrix. TIM. Matrix | TIM (

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