Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Interview 1: Ms. J. Gomez

Ms. Gomez and I talked about the core Shared foundation Engage.
After having seen Ms. Gomez engage with students and teachers
in multiple capacities. I wanted to learn how she implements the
engage core standards within her library. We discussed the competencies
without stating the exact competency as we felt it was more important to
think of how they all integrated within Engage foundation.

AASL's symbol for the engage

1. What are some examples of the ways in which you are implementing the competency in the Engage foundation in your library program? 

SOA's is intentional about ensuring all of their students are engaged or at least have access to resources by sharing the resources on their website. Ms. Gomez has also gone as far as creating a website for a specific project a teacher was doing on documentaries. To do this she used music to engage the students but also modeled ethical use of sources. Ms. Gomez enjoys creating book talk video segments, but she includes a works cited screen at the end to help all students. Here's an example of a booktalk

2. What are some of the resources in your library program that you are using to implement these competencies? 

Though the website is their main resource, but they have computers that are ready and kiosk to Destiny. This is good because it helps students get to MackinVia so it's much easier to teach them about the databases because they have access to it. While she's taught a lot of students about the databases, she plans on teaching more students through collaboration with teachers

3. Do any of the competencies that you are implementing include collaboration with classroom teachers? If so, please provide examples. 

As mentioned in before, you will see Ms. Gomez trying to collaborate with as many teachers that are available. Since she's moved to the new school, collaboration hasn't happened as much as she'd like, but she is working up to more collaboration every year. However, through collaboration she has delivered lessons to 6th grade science students, 8th grade ELA students, and high school students in their English course, at the requests of their teachers. She also did a singular lesson on evaluating sources and identifying bias in the past when a teacher was seeing a lot of students improperly using sources for a science assignment.

4. What are some of the challenges that you face when trying to implement the competency? 

Two challenges she has faced when trying to implement the competencies within engage are the teachers’ not viewing the ethical use of information as a priority at a young age (or prior, for that matter), which leads to students being allowed to develop some bad habits.  She states that she has seen improvements in that over the years, but she's noticed that teachers themselves also have a hard time modeling information literacy with consistency. It may be because they are already overwhelmed. However, interestingly this was seen a lot more at her previous school than here at SOA. The students need constant practice and the consistent expectation to attribute sources. In addition to all of that, it is now very easy to find information on the internet, and students have a hard time evaluating sources as well as attributing sources.

5. Are there any other comments that you would like to make regarding the competencies within the engage foundation that we have discussed today?

Although Mrs. Gomez feels like Engage foundation is one of the most important foundations, it's proved to be one of the most challenging to implement within her previous school to this date. It is her hope that she can continue to work with teachers in the near future within their content areas to start to build that all important foundation.

She believes it was challenging because the Engage foundation is one that requires constant vigilance but resources are always changing. As librarians, as long as we are vocal models of responsible research and are sure to include its tenets at every opportunity, we can help to raise responsible, engaged, learners.

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